Dive into RECOM’s game-changing RACPRO1 series, featuring high-reliability 3-phase AC power supplies and electronic fuses (E-Fuse). Designed for industrial automation, this...
The RACPRO1 e-Fuse series offers advanced DC protection with intelligent load current limiting, overload and fault detection, and simplified installation. Unlike traditional...
Consider the arrangement shown below (Figure 1). A primary switching cabinet (Application #1) is powered by a 480W 24VDC power supply (the RACPRO1-T480/24V). A secondary...
Mains electrical distribution in buildings varies by voltage levels and specifications based on factors like application needs, safety, and history. For AC distributions,...
Mains electrical distribution in buildings varies by voltage levels and specifications based on factors like application needs, safety, and history. For AC distributions,...
Optimizing power stage design needs adaptable gate drive solutions for evolving technologies like Si, SiC, and GaN. This paper highlights the benefits of isolated DC/DC...
当社は、シャーシやDINレールマウントに適した、オープンフレームおよび密閉型バージョンの15 W AC/DCを提供できることを嬉しく思います。オープンRACM15E-K/OF部品のサイズは80 x 23.8 x 22mm(3.1 x 0.9 x 0.8インチ)で、「Molex™」コネクタを使用しています。RACM15E-K/PMAD部品のサイズは...
Simply grounding the output of a standard class II AC/DC switching power supply can create EMC problems. The solution is to use an external mains filter or to select a RECOM...
ご好評いただいている当社のRACMシリーズのカプセル化ボードマウントAC/DC電源に、フライングワイヤーターミナルのオプションを選択できる2 x 1.08 x 0.9インチ(52.7 x 27.6 x 23mm)パッケージの定格16Wの製品を追加しました。このシリーズは、100~277VACの公称値をカバーする85VAC~305VAC、またはユニ...
コスト効率に優れたRMODシリーズに、新たにRMOD300-UWおよびRMOD360-UWの2つの製品が加わりました。どちらのDC/DCコンバータも、MOLEX(TM)コネクタを備えた190 x 76 x 44mmのベースプレート冷却パッケージに収められており、24Vnomから最大90Vnomまでのバッテリーを対応する18~106VDC(126V...
Transforming Legacy Industry Essential: Optimal Balance, Flexibility, and Automation. Explore how a traditional industry staple has evolved for improved efficiency, reduced...
Our newest 60W output power source from a wide-input DC/DC converter boasts top-tier medical certifications. The REM60-W is a compact board-mount solution adheres to...
RPxx-RAW series is an ideal choice for providing isolated and auxiliary power in various rail and wide voltage range scenarios. The three different power levels of this part...
A subsequent whitepaper will expand on the identified items and offer guidance on managing the supply chain resources mentioned in the preceding document. It was developed...
The whitepaper shares some design guidelines and advice on how to reduce failure causes and simplify the design - with application examples for a better comprehension.
This whitepaper will provide a solid overview of energy storage (ES) fundamentals, with a focus on ES solutions at the system level. Gain insights into capacitors vs....
DC/DC-converters are electronic devices that can change a direct current (DC) voltage into another DC voltage. They can act like an isolating transformer or a step-up or...
Modern advancements in power supplies and powered solutions are transforming
the “inconvenient necessity” of the system into highly-enabling features that
are driving a...
On the topic “Build or Buy?” [1], we took a fresh, holistic view on perspectives for addressing this difficult, yet common question that system designers and board engineers...
This whitepaper starts with who needs a high power bidirectional AC/DC converter and follow that ups with what recent developments have occurred that makes such designs...
The R-78K is a new riff on the R-78 series and a pin for pin replacement of LM78 linear regulators. The RSK is an isolated 2W DC/DC regulated converter with a 5V output in an...
当社の新しいRPA40-FRシリーズは、2" x 1" x 0.4" (50.8 x 25.4 x 10.2mm) のスルーピンパッケージの堅牢なボードマウントDC/DCコンバータで、DC36~160V (200V/1秒) の入力範囲を持つ鉄道アプリケーションに最適です。公称入力電圧は72V、96V、110Vで公差、ディップ、サージをカバーし、出...
The RACM30-K is highly efficient from light loads all the way up to 30W. It also has an excellent ambient temperature range. Listen to learn more about this power supply and...
新製品REC30E-Z DC/DCは、わずか25.4 x 25.4 x 10mmのパッケージサイズで30W定格を実現した電力密度、性能、コストに優れた製品です。入力電圧は9-36V(50Vサージ)と18-75V(100Vサージ)の2種類で、幅広い公称値とその公差をカバーしています。出力は完全にレギュレートされたシングル出力(3.3V, 5V,...
These are very compact, isolated DC/DC converters which support a wide 4:1 input voltage range. Listen to learn more about the four different RxM converter family.
These switching regulators can support loads up to 20A with a sixteen brick footprint and a quarter brick footprint. Listen to learn more about the voltages, standard...
Sometimes, we employ less number of engineering cycles and resources into designing, not because we intend to or to obtain a sustainable product, rather because it is an...
The green energy revolution is well underway, driven by the challenges of climate change and the drive towards sustainable development. And RECOM’s high-isolation DC/DC...
コストパフォーマンスに優れ好評のAC/DCシリーズの90Wバージョンが、AC85-264Vの広い入力範囲とDC12V、15V、24V、36V、48Vの厳しいレギュレーション出力で利用できるようになりました。このシリーズは、医療規格IEC/EN/ANSI/AAMI ES 60601-1の2 x MOPP 'B' および 'BF'...
Many people think of a train as simply a bus on rails! After all, passenger trains have been around since 1825 and the basic concept of a locomotive pulling carriages has not...
Over several decades, processors and complex ICs have followed Moore’s Law for increasing transistor count. However, the associated voltage regulators have not reduced in the...
Energy storage is “…the capture of energy produced at one time for use at a later time to reduce imbalances between energy demand and energy production.” [1] This can apply...
The year 1996 was a significant one in electric vehicle history. That was the year the General Motors EV1 hit the market. The EV1 was the first mass-produced and...
The RACM130E-K is a cost effective power supply in a 2”x4” footprint available with 130W peak output power from a wide 85-264Vac input. Listen to learn more about this power...
To ensure the safety of patients and medical professionals, medical electrical equipment is strictly regulated by standards and requirements for product testing. As a primary...
Every engineer sets out to design for maximum performance of their system, power supply, or any other product they are working on. But what does designing for performance...
As part of a global effort to reduce carbon footprint, automotive manufacturers are replacing gasoline with cleaner fuel-less alternatives. As a result, the electric vehicle...
Light rail transit (LRT) is a form of urban passenger rail transit that combines the features of a tram and rapid transit. While its rolling stock is more similar to a tram...
GaN is the chemical symbol for gallium nitride, which is a III-V semiconductor material commonly referred to as a “wide bandgap” (WBG) material because it has a relatively...
The replacement of the internal combustion engine (ICE) by the electric motor is touted as key in reducing pollution from automobiles, but the trend isn’t confined to the...
The RMOD500-W is perfect for off-highway EV such as construction or airport vehicles. It is even a plug & play power supply, allowing customers to integrate with little time...
Data is at the heart of modern railway infrastructure. Both freight and passenger trains require robust communications to transfer location data between rolling stock...
Plug & Play designs save time and costs for system designers and are common in many application areas. But until now, these designs have been absent from the demanding...
Our first “plug and play” module specifically designed for railway applications, the RMD-500-EW. Listen to learn more about this new railway power supply.
DC/DC converters are now common in automotive applications at a range of power levels. Parts must comply with AEC-Q standards for quality and stress tests and automotive...
Learn all about the RA3 series developed for gate driver applications, with great efficiency, internationally certified and under 10pF isolation capacitance in a DIP16 SMD...
A ‘hack’ is a clever or an elegant solution that uses something for a purpose for which it was not originally intended. It is usually for fun, but it is also more to offer a...
Learn more about our 2W DC/DC converter in an SMD DIP14 case - the RSH2 series. It has a 2:1 input, 2kVDC or 3kVDC/1min isolation and is fully protected. It’s a great option...
New developments in ‘3D power packaging’ are enabling further miniaturization of DC/DC converters along with higher power density. Performance is not compromised however,...
Learn about our highly efficient 4A DC/DC converter in a 5mm x 5mm x 4.1mm thermally enhanced QFN package. This buck converter features an on-off control, power good signal...
SMD modules are definitely a great converter option for most applications, however, sometimes what is required is a wired converter. Learn more about when wired converters...
The RPA150E-EW is a 150W eighth-brick wide-input DC/DC converter that is capable of 6:1 input voltage range and 3kVDC isolation. It has 92% efficiency and is ideal for...
The electronics industry is one of the fastest growing industries of the last half-century, and the amount of information generated by this industry can be mind-numbing. If...