DC Microgrid Power Supplies: Universal Solutions for Industrial Automation

Illustration of an energy grid and microgrid with wind turbines, solar panels, diesel generators, and lithium-ion storage
Mains electrical distribution in buildings varies by voltage levels and specifications based on factors like application needs, safety, and history. For AC distributions, nominal voltage and frequency are key, with global standards influencing the different voltage levels.

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We are used to the mains electricity coming out of our wall sockets being AC (Alternating Current), but this was not always the case. In the early days of electricity, Direct Current (DC) was also widely implemented. The history of the AC versus DC battle between Edison and Tesla is well-documented [1], with Tesla’s AC solution ultimately becoming accepted worldwide. Today’s dynamic industrial environment calls for unprecedented flexibility and efficiency in power supply solutions, and DC is returning as an option, especially as many green energy systems, such as solar panels and house batteries, are DC-powered.

AC Versus DC Power in Building Distributions

When it comes to mains electrical distributions in buildings, one can find a whole slew of different voltage levels, specifications, form factors, and tolerances. The majority of the logic for determining either an AC- or DC-distribution’s requirements can be based on application needs, safety, economics, history, and ideally pragmatics. Even if we just focused our discussion on AC distributions, there are many different voltage levels/ranges dictated by any number of global standards. The very basic traits that define a voltage bus are its nominal voltage and frequency characteristics (maximum currents are more applicable to sizing conductors, infrastructure, etc.). A quick overview of global AC mains [2] is summarized in figure 1.

Global map of power plug types, voltage ranges, and socket standards with safety symbols

Fig. 1: Mains electricity by country and, especially for continental Europe, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8781813

Providing a stable, well-regulated gate voltage supply, independent of the main power supply, is another benefit of isolated DC/DC converters. In typical gate drive circuits, the primary supply derives the gate voltage using a linear regulator or a bootstrap circuit. Linear regulators, while simple to implement, tend to have poor efficiency and greater power dissipation when there is a large difference between input and output voltages. Excessive power dissipation can lead to thermal management issues and may require additional heat sinks or cooling solutions. Bootstrap circuits, on the other hand, rely on a charge pump mechanism to provide the high-side transistor’s gate voltage in a half-bridge configuration. As such, carefully size the bootstrap capacitor to ensure an available sufficient charge to drive the transistor’s gate over the entire on-time. The duty cycle and switching frequency can affect the circuit’s performance, leading to voltage droop and instability.
Fig. 2: RECOM AC/DC Power Supply Safety Label (Example)
Careful observation of the global voltage levels yields an overall range of 100-240VAC at either 50 or 60Hz, which leads one to believe if we have a single power supply capable of supporting the full voltage/frequency ranges, then it is universally-compatible with any AC source, but this is not the case. See the example image of a power supply safety label, which one can find on any certified, shipping, international solution in figure 2.

It may seem natural to want to support as wide of a range as possible, but as with anything in life (especially power) there are tradeoffs we must make to optimize a solution for a given application or use space. There are also tolerances that must be built into all designs to account for non-ideal situations. In terms of voltages, this can be related to protections for overvoltage scenarios (typically related to personal safety in addition to protecting equipment), undervoltage scenarios (maximizing uptime, also for equipment protection), and balancing of phase currents in multiphase solutions. For line frequency, this can be related to power quality and grid stability. How these protections/mechanisms are achieved and why are beyond the scope of this discussion, but are covered extensively in the RECOM “AC/DC Book of Knowledge: Practical tips for the User” [3] document freely available.

When we take a common tolerance figure of ±10%, it quickly becomes obvious how we can define a universal range of 90-264VAC, 47-63Hz that is seen on many power supply safety labels. This was merely a quick example to demonstrate how we get from so many international standards to consolidated ranges for more universal support, but is very general and does not go into the motivations for any given mains specifications. There are other support ranges specific to military and/or industrial applications, such as a 400Hz standard for aircraft/shipboard power. Multiple, single-voltage sources can also be separated by phase angle to maximize power delivery, while minimizing currents, which can be seen in three-phase AC systems.

Ultimately, most end systems and loads will run off of DC power (AC motors being the glaring exception), which is why there are even more standards for DC voltage supplies than AC, though not typically for facilities/building-scale distributions. High voltage is defined as >1,000/1,500V (AC/DC, respectively) though pretty much anything >=60VDC is considered a higher voltage for safety purposes (human contact), also known as Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV). While no one standard exists (actually numerous worldwide) for what is commonly known as the high-voltage data center (HVDC, not to be confused with direct current), there are many different standards to call out a distribution architecture in the 300-400VDC range.

The logic is if server/networking hardware and supporting infrastructure is all designed to support a universal AC input with a power-factor-correcting (PFC [4]) AC/DC power supply, then all the same equipment can handle the DC voltage derived from the rectified, AC-input waveform, thus justifying the mitigation of a conversion stage (and all that is gained by its removal). 24VDC distributions can be common for industrial settings with small relays/breakers/motors and smaller systems optimized for a standard, mechanical form factor, such as the DIN rail [5] standard. Other well-known DC distributions include the universal serial bus (USB, 5-20VDC) and Power over Ethernet (PoE, 44-57VDC), also combining power with data conductors in hybrid cables.

The choice of a main distribution voltage for a facility is driven by many factors related to decisions driving capital and operational expenditures (CAPEX/OPEX, respectively), not merely what equipment is supposed to plug into it. Safety is nearly always a key factor determining distribution architectures and must be considered based on worst-case expectations for operator exposure, conductor-to-conductor spacing, and constraints of the operating environment. Consolidation of voltage distribution bus architectures offers many advantages in the streamlining of equipment purchases (CAPEX) and efficient utilization of equipment/machines (OPEX). The less conversion stages from upstream source (i.e. – utility grid, energy storage, etc.) to end load (i.e. – system, ASIC, motor, etc.), the more to be gained in terms of streamlining equipment purchases and taking advantage of economies of scale. Commonality can also help mitigate net load dynamics, which enable optimization of energy efficiency by narrowing unpredictability and therefore enhanced opportunity for intelligent power management (IPM [6]) techniques.

A common mains or distribution carries far more benefits than can be comprehensively reviewed here, but should be recognized is some other categories. The ability to have a more predictable maintenance schedule and fewer part numbers to manage can offer significant savings in short- and long-term expenses. Reduced number of parts to replace/manage carries many obvious advantages that ripple from saving user cycles at the point of consumption to reducing overhead and shipping costs for replacements.

As we transition to Smart Buildings and factories of the future, getting the best of both configurability and agile changes with common form factors is critical for success. From a Quality perspective, systems (particularly components and motors) will last longer when they can function in more-constrained, predictable operating/environmental conditions and maintenance cycles. These first-order benefits lead to an immense list of second-order benefits, depending on far deep one wants to analyze. For instance, a common distribution may mitigate costly back-up power and/or energy storage solutions that would otherwise need to act as energy buffers for intermediary voltages. If the entire power delivery solution gets just a couple percent more efficient in commutating input-to-output power, then there is justification from CAPEX savings that ripple all the way from the point of load up to the power plant.

Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Change the Landscape

Microgrid diagram linking utility grid, renewables, EVs, storage, and buildings
The concept of distributed energy resources (DER [7]) is not a new one, but is being adopted in a modern sense to enable a transition to a more sustainable world. The idea is to have many smaller, modularized, total utility solution blocks (i.e. – source, distribution, conversion, storage, etc.) that are confined for control and use, also known as a microgrid.

Microgrids of DERs are typically characterized by their ability to operate completely independently (known as “stand-alone” or “islanded” mode) or also be compatible when grid-connected (NOTE: the term “compatible” is highly broad and was intentionally chosen for this context because the extent of compatibility can be a very large discussion of hardware compatibility and regional regulatory requirements.).

The majority of technology to transform the grids of yesteryear to the smart grids of intelligent power management of tomorrow exists and has been around for many years, but the macroeconomic motivations required to make a multigenerational shift to upgrade utility-scale power infrastructure still seem to evade most governments and even the most-developed nations. Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels have been commercially available for nearly 50 years now, but the grid infrastructure to make the most use of a bidirectional flow of power management is a newer concept. Unfortunately, investment in advanced energy storage technologies tends to lag investment on the load side (faster, cheaper systems).
Graphic showing different energy sources, including renewable and conventional energy types

Fig. 3: Centralized (left) vs distributed generation (right), Chronological Comparison, Graphic: Bartz/Stockmar, CC BY 4.0

The application of energy storage in multiple use cases for both critical energy backup and economic maximization of intermittent energy sources (such as wind or sun) are also forcing new thinking for consideration of upgrading existing resources and creating future-proofed facilities for the foreseeable future. The modular nature of a DER means any energy storage needs can also be right-sized to the application as well as disaggregated from bulk needs. Furthermore, this should be applied in different aspects of energy storage implementation.

For instance, storage can provide a purely economic function by storing excess, renewably-generated energy when there is plentiful wind and sun and the real-time cost of energy is low, then wait to sell it back to the operator when the cost is high. Then there are the more traditional functions of critical energy backup and emerging functions, such as using for “peak shaving” or servicing infrequent energy peaks with localized storage so the overall infrastructure (e.g. – “virtual power plants”) can be designed to more of a max steady-state than an absolute, max peak (yields very significant CAPEX and OPEX savings potential).

DERs have the ability to completely upend the economics of electric utilities as we know them today. Traditionally, the time-based relationship of grid energy sources over the course of a day follows what is known as a “duck curve” [8] because the bimodal distribution of peaks at the beginning and end of a common day form a shape resembling that of a duck’s back. Electrical economics assume peak demand at these points of the day, with lulls in between. What happens when all devices become “smart” and have the ability to optimize their source utilization during the lulls in the curve? From a controls system perspective this eventually becomes a paradox. The otherwise predictable characteristics of the duck curve give way to a scenario in which large numbers of loads can wait for the traditional lull and once aggregated enough, will flip the duck curve right on its head!! What does this do for the dynamic energy market that sees the cost of power change several times an hour based on demand?

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