Railway Power Supplies

Over the last few years, RECOM has greatly extended its product portfolio of EN50155-certified components and now offers a huge range of AC/DC and DC/DC converters for railway. With the acquisition of the Italian power specialist Power Control Systems, RECOM is able to provide customized power solutions up to 18kW.

DC/DC Converters for Rail Applications

Over the years, RECOM has expanded its portfolio of DC/DC converters for the railway industry from 8W to 240W and can now offer the broadest portfolio of EN50155 certified products available on the market. The railway-certified series pack up to 240W in compact case sizes for a power density of up to 4.5W/cm3 - one of the highest available on the market. For superior thermal performance, RECOM also offers the 12W RP12-AR, 20W RPA20-AW and 30W RPA30-AW series in a 1”x1” case and the 60W RPA60-FW series in a 2”x1” case.

These regulated DC/DC converters with their 4:1 wide input voltage range are specially designed for railway applications. The RPA100H-RUW and RPA200H-RUW series even offer an impressive 10:1 input voltage range to cover all input voltages from nominal 24VDC up to 110VDC in a single product. The RP40Q-RUW and RP60Q-RUW series even go beyond that and accept 12:1 inputs. All series are EN50155 certified* and designed for use in harsh environments or on rolling stock. Since they are UL/cUL60950 certified, they are also a reliable choice for industrial and telecommunication applications.

RECOM introduced evaluation boards for its DC/DC railway converters up to 240W. They are available in either high voltage (-1) or high current (-2) layouts and include a RIA12 surge stopper.
  • Vin from 9V up to 160V
  • Power from 8W up to 240W
  • EN50155 certified*
  • UL/IEC/EN60950 certified and CE marked
  • UL component recognized
  • High efficiency up to 93%
  • Temperature range from -45°C up to +97°C
  • DIP24/SMD, 1”x1”, 2”x1”, quarter-brick and half-brick
Power Supplies for Railway Data Communications
The RSPxxx-168 are surge protectors designed to protect railway DC/DC converters from excessive voltage surges of up to 385VDC. Besides 3.3V, 5V, 12V and 15V single outputs, dual ±12V and ±15V outputs are available. The control pin logic can be chosen to be positive or negative. With efficiencies of up to 93%, cooling by natural convection is typically all that is needed, but if required, the modules are also available with a pre-mounted heatsink. The modules come with RECOM’s standard 3 year warranty.
For higher power railway DC/DC applications, the RECOM RMD series provides 40W to 500W of output at nominal 24V, 36V, 48V, 72V or 110V with five input ranges covering 14.4V to 170VDC. The high-efficiency design is type tested to railway standard EN 50155.
  Series Power (W) Vin (V) Nr. of Outputs Main Vout (V) Mounting Type
1 DC/DC, 150 W, Single Output, Chassis mounting RMD150-UW Series
150 14.4 - 154 Single 19.2 to 25.2 Chassis mounting
2 DC/DC, 300 W, Single Output, Chassis mounting RMD300-UW Series
300 14.4 - 170 Single 19.2 to 25.2, 88 to 115.5 Chassis mounting
3 DC/DC, 500 W, Single Output, Chassis mounting RMD500-EW Series
500 43.2 - 170 Single 19.2 to 25.2, 9.6 to 12.6 Chassis mounting
4 DC/DC, 3 W, THT RP03-RAW Series
3 36 - 160 Single, Dual 10.8 to 13.2, 13.5 to 18, 2.97 to 3.63, 21.6 to 28.8, 4.5 to 5.5, ± 10.8 to ± 13.2, ± 13.5 to ± 16.5, ± 4.5 to ± 5.5 THT
5 DC/DC, 6 W, THT RP06-RAW Series
6 36 - 160 Single, Dual 10.8 to 13.2, 13.5 to 18, 2.97 to 3.63, 21.6 to 28.8, 4.5 to 5.5, ± 10.8 to ± 13.2, ± 13.5 to ± 16.5, ± 4.5 to ± 5.5 THT
6 DC/DC, 8 W RP08-AW Series
8 9 - 36, 18 - 75, 43 - 160 Single, Dual 12, 15, 3.3, 5, ± 12, ± 15, ± 5 THT, SMD
7 DC/DC, 10 W, THT RP10-RAW Series
10 36 - 160 Single, Dual 10.8 to 13.2, 13.5 to 18, 2.97 to 3.63, 21.6 to 28.8, 4.49 to 5.51, 4.5 to 5.5, ± 10.8 to ± 13.2, ± 13.5 to ± 16.5, ± 4.5 to ± 5.5 THT
8 DC/DC, 40 W, Single Output, THT RP40Q-RUW Series
Focus New
40 14 - 160 Single 12 to 16.5, 19.2 to 26.4, 38.4 to 52.8, 4 to 5.5, 9.6 to 13.2 THT
9 DC/DC, 60 W, Single Output, THT RP60Q-RUW Series
Focus New
60 14 - 160 Single 12 to 16.5, 19.2 to 26.4, 38.4 to 52.8, 4 to 5.5, 9.6 to 13.2 THT
10 DC/DC, 150 W, Single Output, THT RPA150E-EW Series
150 9 - 60 Single 19.2 to 28.8, 38.4 to 57.6, 9.6 to 14.4 THT
11 DC/DC, 150 W, Single Output, THT RPA150Q-RUW Series
150 14.4 - 170 Single 19.2 to 28.32, 43.2 to 59.4, 9.6 to 13.2 THT
12 DC/DC, 20 W, THT RPA20-AW Series
20 9 - 36 Single, Dual 10.8 to 13.2, 13.5 to 16.5, 2.97 to 3.63, 4.5 to 5.5, ± 12, ± 15 THT
13 DC/DC, 20 W, THT RPA20-FR Series
Focus New
20 36 - 160 Single, Dual 10.8 to 13.2, 13.5 to 18, 21.6 to 28.8, 4.5 to 5.5, 4.59 to 5.61, ± 12, ± 15, ± 5 THT
14 DC/DC, 30 W, THT RPA30-AW Series
30 9 - 36 Single, Dual 10.8 to 13.2, 13.5 to 16.5, 2.97 to 3.63, 4.5 to 5.5, ± 12, ± 15 THT
15 DC/DC, 40 W, THT RPA40-FR Series
40 36 - 160 Single, Dual 10.8 to 13.2, 13.5 to 16.5, 21.6 to 26.4, 4.49 to 5.51, 4.5 to 5.5, ± 12, ± 15 THT
16 DC/DC, 60 W, Single Output, THT RPA60-FW Series
60 9 - 36 Single 10.8 to 13.2, 13.5 to 16.5, 21.6 to 26.4, 4.5 to 5.5 THT
17 DC/DC, 40 W, Single Output, Chassis mounting RMD40-UW Series
Coming Soon
40 14.4 - 154 Single 21.6 to 26.4 Chassis mounting
18 DC/DC, 75 W, Single Output, Chassis mounting RMD75-UW Series
Coming Soon
75 14.4 - 170 Single 21.6 to 26.4 Chassis mounting
19 DC/DC, Single Output, THT RP100H-RW Series
100, 101 9 - 36, 16.5 - 75, 43 - 160 Single 12 to 16.5, 19.2 to 26.4, 38.4 to 52.8, 4 to 5.5, 9.6 to 13.2 THT
20 DC/DC, 12 W, THT RP12-AR Series
12 36 - 160 Single, Dual 10.8 to 13.2, 13.5 to 18, 2.97 to 3.63, 21.6 to 28.8, 4.5 to 5.5, ± 12, ± 15, ± 24 THT
21 DC/DC, Single Output, THT RP120Q-RW Series
120, 130, 132 9 - 36, 16.5 - 75, 40 - 160 Single 12 to 16.5, 19.2 to 26.4, 38.4 to 52.8, 4 to 5.5, 9.6 to 13.2 THT
22 DC/DC, Single Output, THT RP180H-RW Series
140 - 182 9 - 36, 16.5 - 75, 43 - 160 Single 12 to 16.5, 19.2 to 26.4, 38.4 to 52.8, 4 to 5.5, 9.6 to 13.2 THT
23 DC/DC, 20 W, THT RP20-FR Series
20 9 - 36, 18 - 75, 43 - 160 Single, Dual 10.8 to 13.2, 13.5 to 16.5, 2.97 to 3.63, 4.5 to 5.5, ± 12, ± 15 THT
24 DC/DC, Single Output, THT RP240H-RW Series
177.5 - 240 9 - 36, 16.5 - 75, 43 - 160 Single 12 to 16.5, 19.2 to 26.4, 38.4 to 52.8, 4 to 5.5, 9.6 to 13.2 THT
25 DC/DC, 40 W, THT RP40-FR Series
40 9 - 36, 18 - 75, 43 - 160 Single, Dual 10.8 to 13.2, 13.5 to 18, 2.97 to 3.63, 21.6 to 28.8, 4.5 to 5.5, ± 12, ± 15, ± 24 THT
26 DC/DC, Single Output, THT RP75H-RW Series
75, 77 9 - 36, 18 - 75, 43 - 160 Single 12 to 16.5, 19.2 to 26.4, 38.4 to 52.8, 4 to 5.5, 9.6 to 13.2 THT
27 DC/DC, Single Output, THT RP90Q-RW Series
82.5 - 90 9 - 36, 16.5 - 75, 40 - 160 Single 12 to 16.5, 19.2 to 26.4, 38.4 to 52.8, 4 to 5.5, 9.6 to 13.2 THT
28 DC/DC, 100 W, Single Output, THT RPA100H-RUW Series
100 16.5 - 140 Single 12 to 16.5, 19.2 to 26.4, 38.4 to 52.8, 9.6 to 13.2 THT
29 DC/DC, 200 W, Single Output, THT RPA200H-RUW Series
200 16.5 - 140 Single 12 to 16.5, 19.2 to 26.4, 38.4 to 52.8, 9.6 to 13.2 THT
30 DC/DC, THT RSPxxx-168 Series
20, 150, 300 40 - 160 168 THT
*RP08-AW, RP12-AR, RP20-FR, RPA20-AW, RPA30-AW, RP40-FR, RP40Q-RUW, RP60Q-RUW, RPA60-FW, RP75HRW, RP90Q-RW, RP100H-RW, RP120Q-RW, RP180H-RW, RP240H-RW
Railway Plug & Play DC/DC - RMD Family Image

Railway Plug & Play DC/DC - RMD Family

AC/DC Converters for Rail Applications

Designing Power Supply Solutions for Hybrid Locomotives
The following designs are intentionally developed as platform solutions, which enable RECOM to modify fast, easily and cost efficient these solutions to different customer needs.

RECOM and its subsidiary Power Control Systems as specialist for customised solutions, offers three-phase AC input battery chargers with active power factor correction, complying with railway standards, available with ratings at 3.2kW (RMOC3200 series) and 5kW (RMOC5000 series) which can be cascaded up to 20kW. The RMOC3200 series also operates with DC inputs up to 800V. Outputs from both series are available suitable for 24Vnom up to 110Vnom (and all in between 36/48/72/96)
Series Type Description
Cascadable Battery charger Power 3200W, Vin 400V3AC or 700VDC, Vout 24-110V
Cascadable Battery charger Output Power 5kW, Vin 360-440VAC 3 Phases 3 wires RST, Vout 39.5-58VDC

DC/AC Converters for Rail Applications

For rail applications, the ID250 series from Power Control Systems comprises modular DC/AC inverters with 24V, 48V, 72V or 110VDC nominal inputs. Output is single-phase 200-240VAC or 50-156VAC for the 48V input version. The series complies with railway application standards and is typically used to provide power for passenger sockets or for driver consoles.
Series Type Description
Railway Inverter Power 240W, Vin 24-48-72-110VDC, Vout 48VDC: 50-156VAC / 24-72-110VDC: 200-240VAC

What are DC/DC Converters for in Railway?

DC/DC converters are used in railway environments to convert DC battery voltages to a lower voltage for usage in a variety of control and energy circuits. This is because railway rolling stock uses a DC power distribution system so that batteries can be used to maintain electrical power in the event of a generator failure. These converters need to be constructed according to EN 50155 to ensure harsh environmental conditions do not influence its mode of operation.
Main applications are:
  • Railway rolling stock
  • On-board and trackside application
  • Industrial applications
  • High voltage battery-powered applications
  • Distributed power supply architectures
Specially designed for railway and mobility applications

Harsh railway conditions

Heat, frost, vibration, mechanical impact – they all can cause serious damage to electronic assemblies. DC/DC converters used in railway technology are exposed to extremely tough conditions and must work properly and reliably for their entire service life. Engineers are therefore looking for DC/DC converters that can withstand these exceptional conditions and are certified for railway applications.

EN 50155 - Electronic equipment used on rolling stock

The EN50155 (Railway Applications - Electronic equipment used on rolling stock) specifies carefully defined requirements for information systems and electronic components used in railway engineering. This also applies for DC/DC converters which have to function as reliable power supplies for many years under extreme conditions such as heat, cold, shock and vibration.

EN50155 is a performance standard for electronic equipment used in rolling stock (basically all rail vehicles that move; including locomotives, passenger wagons, light railways and freight trains). It lays down minimum requirements for the input voltage range, electrical isolation, operating temperature, shock and vibration, humidity and EMC, as well as equipment reliability and expected useful life. Electronic equipment used on rolling stock is expected to have a very long operational life of up to 20 years, therefore the environmental testing should be thorough. Besides the normal operating temperature tests, additional thermal cycling, dry heat and damp heat testing is specified. Only a fully potted or sealed DC/DC converter can meet these requirements.

Extreme temperatures

In the summer, temperatures can reach +60°C or more. In the winter, they frequently drop to -30°C or even lower. Where converters are operated in rolling stock, they are exposed to heavy vibration. All this pushes conventional DC/DC converters to the limits. The new EN50155 standard defined six different operating temperature ranges and also include testing the operating temperatures and the extended temperature limits during start-up.

Shock, vibration and dirt

Table with requirement classes per component type
Components installed in railcars and locomotives are exposed to considerable vibration and other mechanical stress. During shunting, acceleration up to 5G is a common occurrence. An even greater problem is the constant vibration stress during travel, which can cause mechanical fatigue, resulting in module failure. To prevent such failures, EN 61373 has been drawn up, specifying minimum vibration and shock strengths for power supplies used in railway applications.

When testing vibration, shock and bump it is important to know the location of the final equipment – whether it is mounted in the driver’s cab or inside the passenger wagons or more exposed on the undercarriage or bogies. As DC/DC converters are primarily installed in locomotives, they must normally conform to the requirements of class 1B.


EN 50155 gives general guidelines: relative humidity of 75% on average, followed by 30 consecutive days with 95% relative humidity. For the electronic equipment this means in most cases watertight cases or lacquered assemblies.

Stringent EMC requirements

Railway electronics must work properly even in extremely unfavourable electromagnetic environments. On the one hand, they are exposed to strong magnetic fields generated by electric motors and transformers. On the other, they must be able to withstand interference emitted from the pantographs. And there are numerous additional sources of interference, brought on board by passengers carrying mobile phones and laptops. None of these sources of interference must in any way impair the function of highly sensitive components such as drive assemblies, motor control units and displays.

To ensure this, EN 50155 repeatedly makes reference to collateral standard EN 50121-3-2 "Railway applications – Electromagnetic compatibility – Rolling stock – Apparatus", which defines clear limits for radiated and conducted interference as well as stringent requirements with regard to resistance to overvoltage and transients. To meet these EMC requirements, an EMC filter is needed to protect the DC/DC converter and absorb any conducted emissions.

What to consider when selecting a DC/DC Converter for Railway?

Input Voltage Range

For historical reasons, a large number of different supply voltages are used in railway applications. The most common ratings are 24VDC, 48VDC, 72VDC, 96VDC and 110VDC. The latest version of EN50155 defines seven different standardized DC voltages, although 110VDC is the most commonly used on trains. The 24V thru 48V is often used on light railways, trams and trolley buses. In order to meet these requirements for nominal input voltages, railway application developers opt for 4:1 converters such as the RP20-FR and RP40-FR series from RECOM, as they cover the entire nominal input voltage range with 3 different converter models only.

Input Voltage
RPxx-FR Serie
Input Range Min. Input (0,1s) Max. Input (1s) Input Range Min. Input Max. Input (1s)
24V 16.8-30V 14.4V 33.6V 9-36V 9V 50V
48V 33.6-60V 28.8V 67.2V 18-75V 18V 100V
72V 50.4-90V 43.2V 100.8V 43-160V 43V 170V
96V 67.2-120V 57.6V 134.4V 43-160V 43V 170V
110V 77-137.5V 66V 154V 43-160V 43V 170V

Table: EN50155 certified DC/DC converters must tolerate strong input voltage fluctuations. With the RPxx-FR series from Recom, the entire range from 24 to 110 V can be covered with three converter types. The RPA100H and RPA200H even cover the entire voltage range with only one module

EN50155 states that the nominal input voltage may fluctuate between 0.7 and 1.25 times the rated voltage, and permits short-term deviations between 0.6 and 1.4 times that value. This means that a 48V DC/DC converter must cater for a voltage range of 28.8V to 67.2V. Until recently, there was a consensus that 4:1 converters had reached their limits with regard to efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This is now all changing with the latest 100W and 200W DC/DC converters from RECOM. The RPA100H and RPA200H feature a broad 10:1 input to cover all common voltage ratings in one module.

Case Size

DC/DC railway converters are often referred to as bricks, half-bricks, and quarter-bricks. A full-brick measures 4.6 x 2.4 x 0.5 inches, a half-brick measures 2.3 x 2.4 x 0.35 inches, and a quarter brick measures 2.3 x 1.45 x 0.35 inches. But there are also DIP24, 1’’x1’’ and 2’’x1’’ cases for lower power converters. Newer switched-mode power supplies in quarter-brick format deliver an electrical output of 250 watts or higher. This is a significant improvement in the slot that was previously needed and means more room for features that can now be added to the product. The specification also includes the pin output; therefore, when using DC/DC railway converters that meet the standard, products can be easily replaced if the designer so desires.

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