Bidirectional Power Supplies

  • Power supplies from 2kW up to 11kW
  • Designed for ground mobile or industrial automation use
  • Input/Output: 3AC input with active PFC
  • Output/Input: High or low voltage DC
  • High efficiency and power factor
There are several examples for applications requiring bidirectional power concepts. Increased system efficiency, energy recovery, conditions relevant to functionality, intelligent mains (EVs as intermediate storage for mains power), and cost and space savings are just a few of the applications that require bidirectional power supplies or converters. Selection of topology taking mains or DC voltages as well as their conversion ratios into account play a decisive role in applications. CLLC is a good choice where the battery and PFC bus voltage (around 400V DC) are similar in 3AC mains applications. If the battery voltage is substantially lower (48V) or higher (800V DC) than the PFC bus voltage, a phase-shifted full bridge or PSFB is a better alternative. The bidirectional 10kW platform solution shown was developed on the basis of 3AC mains and a 45V lithium-ion battery with a PSFB topology selected corresponding to the following block diagram:

Figure of bidirectional-power-supplies

The following designs are intentionally developed as platform solutions, which enable RECOM to modify fast, easily and cost efficient these solutions to different customer needs.
Series Type Description
Battery conditioner Power 10kW, Vin 340-470VAC / 520-700VDC, Vout 20VDC/24VDC
Attributes Bidirectional Power Supplies
Power (W) up to 10000W
Isolation Isolated
Nr. of Outputs Single, bidirectional
Vin (V) 90 - 264 1AC
340 - 480 3AC
200 - 1000 DC
Vout (V) 3-300 DC
Iout (A) 0-80 charging
Iin (A) 0-40A discharge
progammable Charging curve
progammable Discharging curve
Connection Screw Terminals, Cage Clamps
others on request
Mechanical style Open frame
Chassis mounting, enclosed
19"-Rack style
Certifications CE, EN 62368, EN61010, UL 60950-1
MIN Operating Temp (°C) -40.0
MAX Operating Temp (°C) 70.0 / 85.0
Protections OCP, OTP, OVP, SCP
Interfaces I²C, Ethernet, CAN, ….?
Directives REACH, RoHS 2+ (10/10), WEEE
Warranty 3 Years
Regulation Regulated
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