Safety Standards

Safety standards are an important consideration in the specification of an AC/DC or DC/DC converter. Standards continuously evolve and their requirements differ between end applications, sometimes significantly. IEC/EN 60950-1 for IT equipment safety has been applied to many products as a ‘default’ standard, along with IEC/EN 60065 for audio/visual equipment but both are due to be withdrawn completely in December 2020. An alternative, IEC/EN 62368-1, now applies but there may also be other standards that are more appropriate to the end application. A paper by Zentralverband Elektrotechnik und Elektronikindustrie e.V. (ZVEI) linked below gives guidance on the selection of the right standard to apply.
Guideline Safety Standards

Selection of safety standards for power supplies

This Guideline on the alternate certification standards after EN60950 is withdrawn was developed by the ZVEI (the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturer’s Association) with feedback from industry, including input from RECOM. Follow the links below to download the Guide in English or German.