PCB mounted

Modern electronics assemblies are designed to be very power efficient, so that they only draw a few watts of power. For such applications, RECOM has developed a wide range of Class II 1W-10W ac dc power supplies for PCB mounting, designed to withstand PCB wave soldering processes. These ac dc converters are complete power supplies, requiring no external components to fully meet safety and EMC regulations without an earth connection. They are offered with 85 VAC to 264 VAC or 305 VAC universal input voltage range for worldwide use and the RAC05-K/480 series can additionally operate from phase-to-phase with its 85 VAC to 528 VAC input range.
We use the latest advances in switching controllers, topologies and components to create power supplies with double the power density than previously possible without sacrificing safety, reliability, efficiency or performance. The majority of our AC/DC power supplies are internationally certified to UL/IEC/EN standards for industrial (62368-1), measurement, control, and laboratory (61010-1), and household (60335-1) applications with CB Reports, making them suitable for industrial, test and measurement and building automation applications.
Power (W)
Vin (V)
Main Vout (V)
Nr. of Outputs
Iout 1 (mA)
Iout 2 (mA)
Isolation (kV)
Mounting Type
Package Style
Length (mm)
Width (mm)
Height (mm)
MIN Operating Temp (°C)
MAX Operating Temp (°C)
  Series Power (W) Vin (V) Main Vout (V) Isolation (kV) Mounting Type Package Style
1 AC/DC, 2 W, Single Output, THT RAC02E-K/277 Series
(5 products)
2 85 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 4 THT 1.35"x0.88"
2 AC/DC, 3 W, Single Output, THT RAC03-K Series
(6 products)
3 85 - 264 12, 15, 18, 24, 3.3, 5 3 THT 1"x1"
3 AC/DC, 3 W, Single Output, SMD RAC03-K/SMT Series
Focus New
(5 products)
3 85 - 265 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 4.2 SMD 1"x1"
4 AC/DC, 3 W, Single Output, THT RAC03E-K/277 Series
(5 products)
3 85 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 4 THT 1.45"x0.95"
5 AC/DC, 4 W, Single Output RAC04NE-K/277 Series
Focus New
(8 products)
4 85 - 305 12, 15, 24, 5, 9 4.2 THT, Wired Encapsulated 1.45"x0.94", Encapsulated 1.48"x0.97" (IP65)
6 AC/DC, 5 W, Single Output, THT RAC05-K/277 Series
(5 products)
5 85 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 4.2 THT Standard
7 AC/DC, 5 W, Single Output, THT RAC05-K/480 Series
(3 products)
5 85 - 528 12, 15, 5 5.4 THT 2"x1"
8 AC/DC, 5 W, Single Output, THT RAC05E-KT Series
(5 products)
5 90 - 264 12, 15, 24, 4, 5 3 THT 1.07"x1.26"
9 AC/DC, 6 W, Single Output, THT RACM06E-K/277 Series
Focus New
(6 products)
6 80 - 305 12, 15, 18, 24, 3.3, 5 4.2 THT 1"x1"
10 AC/DC, 10 W, THT RAC10-K/277 Series
(8 products)
10 85 - 305 12, 15, 18, 24, 3.3, 5, ± 12, ± 15 4 THT 2"x1"
11 AC/DC, 10 W, Single Output, THT RAC10E-K/277 Series
(5 products)
10 85 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 4 THT 1.8"x1"
12 AC/DC, Single Output RACM16E-K/277 Series
(9 products)
12, 16 85 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 30, 5 4.2 THT, Wired Potted 2"x1"
13 AC/DC, 15 W, Single Output, THT RAC15-K/480 Series
(4 products)
15 85 - 528 12, 15, 24, 5 3.6 THT Potted 2"x1.6"
14 AC/DC, 15 W, Single Output RAC15-K/WI Series
Focus New
(10 products)
15 18 - 264 12, 15, 24, 5, 54 4 THT, Wired Encapsulated 1.5"x2"
15 AC/DC, 20 W, THT RAC20-K Series
(8 products)
20 85 - 264 12, 15, 24, 48, 5, 7, ± 12, ± 15 3 THT 2"x1"
16 AC/DC, 20 W, Single Output, THT RAC20E-K/277 Series
(3 products)
20 85 - 305 12, 24, 5 4.2 THT 2"x1"
17 AC/DC, 20 W, Single Output RAC20NE-K/277 Series
Focus New
(7 products)
20 85 - 305 12, 24, 36 4.2 THT, Connector Open Frame, Encapsulated 2"x1"
18 AC/DC, 25 W, Single Output, THT RAC25-K/480 Series
(4 products)
25 85 - 528 12, 15, 24, 5 3.6 THT Potted 3.2"x1.8"
19 AC/DC, 30 W RACM30-K/277 Series
(20 products)
30 85 - 305 12, 15, 24, 5, ± 12, ± 15 4 THT, Wired, Connector, Push-in Terminal Potted, Panel Mount, Open Frame 1.5"x3"
20 AC/DC, Single Output RACM40-K Series
(35 products)
30, 40 80 - 264 12, 15, 18, 24, 36, 48, 5 4 THT, Connector, PCB Mounting Pins Open Frame 2"x3", Open Frame 1.6"x3", Potted 1.8"x3.2"
21 AC/DC, Single Output RACM60-K Series
(24 products)
40, 60 80 - 264, 80 - 305 12, 15, 24, 36, 48, 5 4.2 Connector, PCB Mounting Pins Open Frame 2"x4", Enclosed 2"x4", Open Frame 2"x3"
22 AC/DC, 1 W, Single Output, THT RAC01-GA Series
(2 products)
1 85 - 264 12, 5 3 THT Standard
23 AC/DC, 1 W, Single Output, THT RAC01-GB Series
(4 products)
1 85 - 264 12, 24, 3.3, 5 3 THT Standard
24 AC/DC, 2 W, Single Output, THT RAC02-E/277 Series
(4 products)
2 85 - 305 12, 24, 3.3, 5 3 THT Standard
25 AC/DC, 2 W, Single Output, THT RAC02-GA Series
(5 products)
2 85 - 264 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 3 THT Standard
26 AC/DC, 2 W, Single Output, THT RAC02-GB Series
(5 products)
2 85 - 264 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 3 THT Standard
27 AC/DC, 3 W, Single Output, THT RAC03-E/277 Series
(4 products)
3 85 - 305 12, 24, 3.3, 5 3 THT Standard
28 AC/DC, 3 W, Single Output, THT RAC03-GA Series
(5 products)
3 85 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 3 THT Standard
29 AC/DC, 3 W, Single Output, THT RAC03-GB Series
(6 products)
3 85 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5, 9 3 THT Standard
30 AC/DC, 3.5 W, Single Output, THT RAC3.5-K/277 Series
(5 products)
3.5 85 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 4.2 THT Standard
31 AC/DC, 4 W, Single Output, THT RAC04-GA Series
(4 products)
4 85 - 305 12, 24, 5, 9 3 THT Standard
32 AC/DC, 4 W, Single Output, THT RAC04-GB Series
(6 products)
4 85 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5, 9 3 THT Standard
33 AC/DC, 4 W, Single Output, THT RAC04-K/277 Series
(5 products)
4 80 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 4 THT Standard
34 AC/DC, 5 W, Single Output, THT RAC05-K Series
(5 products)
5 85 - 264 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 3 THT 1"x1"
35 AC/DC, 5 W, Single Output, THT RAC05E-K Series
(4 products)
5 90 - 264 12, 15, 24, 5 3 THT 1.46"x0.95"
36 AC/DC, 15 W, Single Output, THT RAC15-K Series
(4 products)
15 85 - 264 12, 15, 24, 5 3 THT 2"x1"
37 AC/DC, 18 W, Single Output, THT RACM18-ER Series
(3 products)
18 90 - 264 12, 24, 5 4.6 THT Potted (IP68)
38 AC/DC, 30 W, Single Output, THT RACM30-ER Series
(2 products)
30 90 - 264 12, 24 4.4 THT Potted (IP68)
39 AC/DC, 4 W, THT RAC04-A Series
(5 products)
4 90 - 264, 90 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5, 5 / 12, 9 3 THT Standard
40 AC/DC, 4 W, THT RAC04-C/230 Series
(8 products)
4 80 - 264 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5, 5 / 12, ± 12, ± 5 3.75 THT Standard
41 AC/DC, 4 W, THT RAC04-C/277 Series
(16 products)
4 80 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5, 5 / 12, ± 12, ± 5 3.75 THT Standard
42 AC/DC, 5 W, THT RAC05-C Series
(6 products)
5 80 - 264 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5, 9, ± 12, ± 15, ± 5 3 THT Standard
43 AC/DC, 6 W, THT RAC06-C Series
(4 products)
6 80 - 264 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5, 9, ± 12, ± 15, ± 5 3 THT Standard
44 AC/DC, 10 W, THT RAC10-C/277 Series
(5 products)
10 80 - 305 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5, ± 12, ± 15, ± 5 3.75 THT Standard
45 AC/DC, Single Output RAC20-B Series
(4 products)
11.9, 18, 20 90 - 264 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 3 THT, Screw Terminal Standard
46 AC/DC, Single Output, THT RAC20-N Series
(4 products)
12, 18, 20 90 - 264 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5 3 THT Standard
47 AC/DC, 20 W RAC20-A Series
(3 products)
20 90 - 264 12, 15, 24, 3.3, 5, 5 / ± 12, 5 / ± 15, 9, ± 12, ± 15, ± 5 3 THT, Screw Terminal Standard
48 AC/DC, 40 W RAC40-B Series
(2 products)
40 90 - 264 12, 15, 24, 5, 5 / 12, 5 / ± 12, 5 / ± 15, ± 12, ± 15, ± 5 3 THT, Screw Terminal Standard

RECOM PCB-mount AC/DC converters feature ultra-wide input for global single and three-phase applications, rated 5W/15W/25W

While three-phase AC supplies are used for high-power loads, there is often a need to generate low-power auxiliary DC rails from the same source. Typically, this is either from line to neutral at 400VAC, or line to line at 480VAC or 277VAC nominals. This can be achieved efficiently and conveniently with AC/DC modules with an input range of 85VAC to 528VAC, including the highest nominal voltage and tolerances. The operation to 85VAC minimum also makes the parts compatible with single-phase AC supplies down to 100VAC nominal.

AC/DC modules connected to three-phase supplies normally need to withstand higher voltage transients than those connected to single-phase AC within buildings. The modules, therefore, need to be rated Over-Voltage Category III (OVC III) minimum. Similarly, AC/DC modules connected to three-phase AC are often situated in harsh environments and should therefore be robust, able to operate at high temperatures, and ideally be encapsulated with Pollution Degree 3 (PD3) rating. Compliance with EMC standards for emissions and immunity must also be met, along with no-load power consumption limits. Suitable modules are available from RECOM with power ratings of 5W, 15W, and 25W in through-hole PCB mount format.

AC/DC Modules from RECOM meet requirements for direct connection to 3-phase supplies

PCB-mount through-hole AC/DC modules are available from RECOM with 85-528VAC inputs to suit worldwide single-phase and three-phase line-to-neutral or line-to-line AC voltages at up to 480VAC plus tolerances.


This 5W AC/DC converter is in a miniature 2” x 1” case size (52.5 x 27.4 x 23mm) and features 5V, 12V, or 15V single DC outputs. The part provides full power up to 60°C ambient temperature, derating to 60% load at 80°C. Isolation voltage is 5.4kVAC/1 min, reinforced grade and safety certifications include EN 61010-1, EN 62368-1, and UL 62368-1. No-load power consumption for the RAC05-K/480 is less than 0.5W.


Rated at 15W, the RAC15-K/480 is sized 2” x 1.6” (52.5 x 40 x 25.5mm) and features 5V, 12V, 15V - and additionally, 24VDC outputs. Full power is provided up to 70°C for inputs to 277VAC, and up to 60°C for higher voltages to 528VAC. With load derating, an operation to 90°C ambient is possible. No load power consumption is 0.3W maximum. Isolation voltage is 3.6kVAC/1 min, reinforced grade and safety certifications include EN 60335-1, EN 61010-1, EN 62368-1, and UL 62368-1. The part has outputs classed as Limited Power Source (LPS).


The RAC25-K/480 rated at 25W also features 5V, 12V, 15V, and 24VDC outputs with full power available to 70°C between 220VAC and 480VAC nominals (40°C to 50°C at 110/115VAC nominal depending on output voltage variant). With derating, the parts will operate up to 90°C ambient temperature. No load power consumption is 0.3W maximum. Isolation voltage is 3.6kVAC/1 min; reinforced grade and safety certifications include EN 60335-1, EN 61010-1, EN 62368-1, and UL 62368-1. The part has outputs classed as Limited Power Source (LPS).
  Series Power (W) Vin (V) Main Vout (V) Isolation (kV) Mounting Type Package Style
1 AC/DC, 5 W, Single Output, THT RAC05-K/480 Series
5 85 - 528 12, 15, 5 5.4 THT 2"x1"
2 AC/DC, 15 W, Single Output, THT RAC15-K/480 Series
15 85 - 528 12, 15, 24, 5 3.6 THT Potted 2"x1.6"
3 AC/DC, 25 W, Single Output, THT RAC25-K/480 Series
25 85 - 528 12, 15, 24, 5 3.6 THT Potted 3.2"x1.8"

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