RECOM supports its customers with its equipment and know-how, helping them to solve EMC-related problems of all kinds.

The new laboratory includes measuring equipment for the manual identification of sources of both radiated and conducted interference. Using close-field probes, it is possible to locate interference sources manually so that the issue can be dealt with promptly. With assistance from RECOM’s EMC experts, customers are now able to identify and rectify interference problems quickly and accurately.
The new EMC Book of Knowledge Image

The new EMC Book of Knowledge

Power Supplies meets EMCS Image

Power Supplies meets EMCS


In order to concentrate its efforts even more effectively on improving power supplies, RECOM has built its 3000m2 campus-style headquarters in Gmunden, Austria. Among its world-class facilities, RECOM is particularly proud of its new lab building.
Apart from extending the existing testing and quality laboratories, RECOM has set up a state-of-the-art EMC lab, thereby adding a significant new facility to the high-frequency research sector in Southern Germany and Austria. Equipped by Rohde & Schwarz, this new lab features a 3m SAC (Semi-Anechoic Chamber) conforming with the CISPR-16 standard. It enables the company to perform pre-compliant measurements within the frequency range of 30MHz to 3GHz. The SAC caters to the automated measurement of specimens with a diameter of up to 1.5 meters. The lab also includes all equipment required for measurements according to EN 61000-4-x and EN 61000-3-2.


The in-house certification process is crucial to RECOM’s latest products, and it is also available to high-end customers as a value-added service.
Emission tests:
  • Radiated Emission up to 3GHz, distance 3 metres
  • Conducted emission from 9KHz to 30 MHz
  • Harmonics according to EN 61000-3-2

Immunity tests:
  • ESD (Electrostatic discharge) according to EN 61000-4-2
  • Burst according to EN 61000-4-4
  • Surge according to EN 61000-4-5
  • Voltage dips, short interruptions, and variation according to EN 61000-4-11
  • HF-induced disturbances according to EN 61000-4-6

The radiated emission is measured in an automated process in a semi anechoic chamber SAC.
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RECOM supports its customers with its equipment and know-how, helping them to solve EMC-related problems of all kinds.


Customers and partner companies have access to our best laboratories to test their latest prototypes.

Thanks to our close cooperation with research organizations, universities, and companies in the power supply sector, RECOM is kept up to date with the latest developments in technology. As a result, a cluster of innovative power supply manufacturers have cropped up in the tech-triangle of Munich, Linz, and Graz.