Hallstatt: An Imitation with Good Intentions
Hallstatt is a 16th-century village in the Salzkammergut region of Austria, featuring picturesque houses along the shores of the Hallstätter See, with the Dachstein mountains as a dramatic backdrop.
Fig. 1: Hallstatt Austria, credit Nick Csakany
Its many thousands of visitors have included some from China, who took back more than just memories—they replicated the village in Guangdong province as an up-market residential complex. The $940 million replica of the village was not intended to deceive, and residents of the Austrian version even attended its opening ceremony, feeling flattered that their home village was so admired.
Fig. 2: ‘Hallstatt’ Guangdong, credit Hanno Böck

Fig. 1: Hallstatt Austria, credit Nick Csakany
Its many thousands of visitors have included some from China, who took back more than just memories—they replicated the village in Guangdong province as an up-market residential complex. The $940 million replica of the village was not intended to deceive, and residents of the Austrian version even attended its opening ceremony, feeling flattered that their home village was so admired.

Fig. 2: ‘Hallstatt’ Guangdong, credit Hanno Böck