Pretty much everything would collapse without an electrical power supply. From simple consumer devices to LED lighting, computer networks, a medical device that helps us stay healthy, satellites or the Hubble telescope that we use to explore distant worlds. And then there are the navis and the electric vehicles. Nowadays, ships would find it difficult to reach their port of destination without satnavs, and aeroplanes would need an additional navigator. And what about "e-mobility"? Electric vehicles have to be safe and now they are even supposed to drive autonomously!
The car is being rethought. There is no longer a steering wheel. And we sit in the back seat. Three on-board computers, countless sensors, endless software, artificial intelligence! And when everything works together and is sufficiently developed, we will rely on the technology, pull down the blinds and arrive relaxed. Fine, still a bit of a future, but it already exists for vehicles for the disabled.
The car is being rethought. There is no longer a steering wheel. And we sit in the back seat. Three on-board computers, countless sensors, endless software, artificial intelligence! And when everything works together and is sufficiently developed, we will rely on the technology, pull down the blinds and arrive relaxed. Fine, still a bit of a future, but it already exists for vehicles for the disabled.