
Rep Office for EMEA

The headquarter of the EMEA sales is in Neu-Isenburg, which is 5km South of Frankfurt-Downtown and only 10km East of the Frankfurt International Airport.
Neu-Isenburg offers its inhabitants, companies, and employees every comfort that is needed for life and work: Exquisite shopping facilities, a wide range of schools and nurseries, renowned leisure, culture, and sport facilities as well as an excellent international cuisine. Thanks to its close proximity to Frankfurt am Main, its excellent transport links, and its location in the Rhein-Main region, Neu-Isenburg has undergone continuous development, which has even increased in the last few years. The extraordinary growth of the economy during the past few years is proof of the success of local businesses such as RECOM.

As a result of this, other major players in the microelectronics beside of RECOM - such as Arrow, International-Rectifier and UL - have moved their European headquarters to Neu-Isenburg, which in turn allows RECOM’s sales and support team to quickly conform to our customers’ and distributors’ needs.


Carl-Ulrich-Straße 4
63263 Neu-Isenburg
+49 6102 88 381-0
+49 6102 88 381-61
